islamic, prayer, silhouette

How to be a muslim?

To become Muslim, you have to pronounce the Testimony of Faith ‘Shahada’, with sincere faith.

The implication of the Shihada is that you believe that there is only one God, Allah, Who alone deserves to be worshipped. It also implies that you believe in Muhammad, peace be upon him, as the Messenger of God, and you believe in his message. It also means that you believe in all of God’s Prophets, including Jesus, peace be upon him, who is a Messenger of God and NOT divine or son of God.

If you accept this, the only thing that remains for you to become Muslim, is to say the Shahada, while believing in it with your heart word for word as follows:

“I bear witness that there is no God except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”

then repeat this same testimony in Arabic as follows:

“Ash hadu anlla ilaha illallah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasul ullah”

Of course faith is not only words but is complemented with action, so upon reciting the Shahada one should begin to learn and uphold his/her duties as a Muslim. The main pillars of Islam as you know are:

The Five Daily Prayers

Annual charity to the poor and needy

Fasting the month of Ramadan

Pilgrimage to Mecca (once in a life time for those who are able)

The next step now after the Shahada is to take a complete shower (bath) with the intention of purifying yourself to be ready for prayers.

About Islam

The word “Islam” means peace and submission. Peace means to be at peace with yourself and your surroundings and submission means submission to the will of Allah. A broader meaning of the word “Islam” is to achieve peace by submitting to the will of Allah .